Log 109: My name is Rhys Horton...

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Foxy-Knight's avatar
> ssh world:999 -l root
ssh: connect to host world port 999
rootworld:999's password:
Last login: unknown

rootworld:~# cat /root/journal

...And I suffer from Severe Depression, but I am getting better.

Not exactly a superhero intro is it? Maybe I can use it in a comic script later on but for now it pretty much sums me up right now. 

Before I go into this journal a big shout out to my friend Daniel Kalban :icondkalban: If you like the stuff I do then watch him because he is an awesome writer and an awesome guy. Also the dude could use some love and a bit of cash if you have some lying around, but I'm not suggesting you throw your money at him, heavens no! He has some nice snappies you can buy, see here: dkalban.deviantart.com/store/

So once again, watch Dan the writing man --> :icondkalban: and if you have some spare cash check out his shop. 

Now onto the real journal, this weekend I am going to properly get back to Writing. Me and Dan are going to finish Gotham at War, I am also going to finish the first issue of Soul Connection written by me and :iconpadfootress: and also I am going to re-write Fox's origin tales based on new ideas and the constructive criticism from :iconquirrelkitty76:

So this weekend should be hot for my DA page. Also I am going to start posting more journals to invite people to chat to me and maybe even set me straight when I feel like crap. You can ignore me, chat to me or even slap me upside the head, so long as it works for you :)

My name is Rhys Horton and this has been my Journal.

rootworld~# reboot

System rebooting

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